Nellemann Machinery A/S (DK)
Autoriseret Kubota forhandler
Model Size Tractor
K-Monitor 7'' M7001 & M7002 ISOBUS



This can be you your first step into Precision Farming:

  • K-Monitor makes it easy to control any ISOBUS machine from your tractor cab.
  • K-Monitor GEOCONTROL enables you to achieve higher yields, lower costs and do your work with less hassle. 
  • For more information about GEOCONTROL functionalities (Section control and Variable rate) go to the Optimization parts.


Free of charge features:

  • K-Monitor GEOCONTROL - Data Management: all application and field data can be exchanged between your farm management system and K-Monitor GEOCONTROL via a USB stick.
  • Field reports are available for ISOBUS and non-ISOBUS machines.
  • Manual guidance: For more information about guidance solutions go to the Optimization parts.

Multi funktions Terminal
Multi funktions Terminal

The K-Monitor offers a lot of different functionalities:

  • Universal Terminal: Works with all certified ISOBUS implements
  • Tractor settings: All tractor functions can be adjusted
  • Camera: Up to four cameras
  • Traceability: Import and export the tasks done
  • GEOCONTROL: Section control and Variable rate
  • Guidance: Manual or automatic guidance

ISOBUS Certification ISO11783 AEF
ISOBUS Certification ISO11783 AEF

Kubota and AEF

The AEF wishes to provide the necessary resources and appropriate know-how so that important technical challenges concerning electronic and electrical systems in agricultural technology and farming can be jointly addressed by their industry.


Objectives of the AEF

  • Establishment and continuation of the international development and expansion of electronic and electrical technology as well as implementation of electronic standards
  • To coordinate international cooperation in AG electronics technology
  • To build synergistic partnerships between AG equipment manufacturers for the benefit of equipment users
  • To coordinate technical improvements (ISOBUS) including management and enhancement of certification tests
  • To organize certification support, training, workshops, marketing activities and consulting relating to any AG electronics international standards

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Nellemann Machinery A/S (DK)


Knudslund Alle 28
Ringsted, DK-4100

07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 15:30
Hovedtelefon nr.

Om os

Nellemann Machinery A/S importerer udover Kubota også bl.a. Holder, Spider, Billy Goat, Kärcher m.m. Læs mere om os

Kubota redskaber - Nu også i Danmark

Kverneland Group klar med Kubota-redskaber i fire salgssteder i Danmark. I 2012 erhvervede Kubota Corporation Kverneland Group og fik derved et fuldt program af professionelle landbrugsredskaber med i produktsortimentet. Siden er de Kverneland Group producerede Kubota redskaber blevet introduceret i en række lande over det meste af verden, og senest er introduktionen sket gradvist i Europa. Kontakt formular